The Community Foundation of North Central Wisconsin/Holtz
Krause Community Fund made a generous donation that allowed us to purchase a power generator to be used at ramp project work sites.
More times than not, we do not have access to adequate power to operate the
equipment needed to compete our ramp builds. The ability to run more than one
piece of equipment at a time is greatly appreciated by our skilled
volunteers as they build multiple wheelchair ramps and low-rise-long-tread
steps that enable people of need to stay in their homes longer. It was put to good use today as the RUMC crew worked on a ramp build in the Colby area.
Once again, a big thank you to The Community Foundation of North Central Wisconsin/Holtz Krause Community Fund for generous
support of Ramp Up Marathon County and for making our community a great place to
live and work.
This is great! Congratulations!!